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CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to DOWNLOAD THE FREE ONLINE SEMINAR where you will be guided to Unleash the Power of Meditation with spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton

In this 90-Minute Seminar you will discover:

  • The simple shift in attention that can instantly open the door to a wellspring of wisdom and creativity
  • The most common obstacles to deep meditation and the one key that enables you to bypass all of them and step directly into the life-changing recognition of your “essential nature”
  • Why a “busy mind” is not an obstacle to profound meditation and how to be truly free no matter what your mind is doing
  • How to ensure that meditation is never boring or tedious but always a dynamic, unfolding journey of awakening to higher possibilities and potentials
  • Why short periods of meditation can be more effective than long, drawn out practice sessions and how to make every moment of meditation a moment of awakening
  • How to bring your spiritual practice off the meditation cushion and into your daily life through the use of “engaged inquiry” practices throughout your day

Participants Share Their Experiences

I sense this ongoing meditation flow around me even when I’m not formally meditating and I love that I now have the tools to step into that flow at will.”

D. Alston

Your meditation is awesome, magnificent, relaxing and bringing us to our deepest sacred place. No words can describe what you have brought to me in this meditation.”

N. Israel

I have had a daily meditation practice for over 30 years but I have never enjoyed the practice so much.”

R. Wood

I love knowing that I have access to this amazing consciousness in me. I see it like a magical power that is very real. It’s very exciting!!”

V. Smith

I no longer see awakening as something that may happen to “little me” at some point in the future, and only if I do everything right. It is real and it is now, who I truly am can awaken to itself, in this body, in this lifetime. Awakening is happening, and gratitude is too small a word. I have looked so long and so hard, only to find that it is here, now. I can glimpse it, I can touch it, I can sense it, I can feel it. It is me.”
